Our Services

Wellness Health, Nutrition & Fitness

Nutritional Outlooks

Healthy Eating Suggestions:

Increase Fiber.

Increase your calcium and vitamin D intake.

Increase the potassium.

Reduce your intake of added sugars.

Saturated fats should be replaced.

Reduce your sodium intake.

Aim for a wide range of colors.

What is Belly fat? How to loose it?

 "Most belly fat (visceral adipose tissues) lies within the abdominal cavity, surrounding the intestines, liver, kidneys, and other organs. Excess fat in this area is linked to increased risk of diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, even cancer and dementia. The good news is that visceral fat is responsive to weight loss interventions” (Whitaker, 2022)

Loosing body fat could be done in many ways as drinking plenty of water, such as 2.25 liters per day or half of your body weight in pounds in ounces. For example, if you weigh 120 LB you will drink 60 ounces of water. Another trick is to drink Lemon with hot water to lose belly fat (Lemon is commonly eaten in hot water first thing in the morning to lose belly fat.) According to studies, hot water boosts the antioxidant activity of this citrus fruit. According to another study, lemon contains polyphenols that reduce body fat caused by dieting. As a result, you can simply consume this drink on a daily basis to improve your metabolism and overall fitness. To lose belly fat, drink one glass of lukewarm lemon water with honey every morning. To know more please contact me [email protected]

Reference: Whitaker, J. (2022). How to Lose Belly Fat. Whitaker Wellness. https://whitakerwellness.com/health-concerns/natural-weight-loss/how-to-lose-belly-fat/

About Us

Rima Hanhan is a holistic health practitioner, holistic nutritionist, sports nutritionist coach, and fitness professional with experience in developing nutritional plans that positively affect weight loss, stress management, Osteoarthritis, acne, aging, and fitness. Highly qualified and well-trained with a detailed approach. Diligently staying updated on the latest nutritional research, Holistic, and fitness solutions.

Rima is fueled by her passion for understanding and supporting her clients in their lifestyle journey and is passionate about supporting them to make a difference in their lifestyle journey. She considers herself a “forever student” eager to both build on her academic foundations in fitness and holistic life and stay in tune with the latest digital strategies through continued coursework and professional development.

Rima believes mindfulness, positive energy, nutrition, emotional wellness, and fitness are the keys to great wellness and balance in our lives. She lives out through her interests in physical activity, meditation, nutrition, reading, drawing and painting, and singing.

Rima is currently working as a holistic nutritionist, fitness professional, holistic health practitioner, and coach and is always interested in a challenge.


Certified Health Coach- Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN)

Nutritional Consultant -The American Association of Nutritional Consultants (AANC)

Certified Holistic Nutritionist- American Fitness Professionals & Associates (AFPA)

Master’s degree in public health-Purdue University Global

Personal trainer-(NASM) And ACTION

Sports Nutritional coach (NASM)

Medical Exercise Specialist (Medical Exercise Training Institute)

Keto-diet Coaching (American Nutrition Association)

Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (Trinity School)

National Nutrition Certification (Extension Utah State University)

Graduate Work (Ph.D.) in epidemiology/public health (Capella University)

NANP Professional Member

Disclaimer: This Website PLLC Greenshealthcoach is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace your relationship with your primary care provider. Do not begin this or any other new health program without consulting your physician, especially if you have a diagnosed condition.

Wellness & Health

Start feeling better now by eating healthy, exercising, hydrating, and relaxing. Wellness is from inside out; it is know how to manage your stress, and how to be happy, and eat healthy.


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